Free Pocopay Power account

Pocopay basic package is free

Pocopay Power account includes:

  • Pocopay banking app

    Pocopay app is fast, secure and fun to use.

  • Unlimited transfers in Pocopay

    Money transfers and requests are instant and super easy between two Pocopay users. Join Pocopay and to see for yourself.

  • Money planning

    Saving money with Pocopay is super easy and fun. Just drag your Poco money and start saving.

  • 30 transfers to other banks

    You get 30 free European payments per month.

  • Contactless MasterCard debit card

    Just swipe and save time for things more important. You can use the card for online and offline shopping.

  • 2 free withdrawals from any ATM

    You get 2 free cash withdrawals per month from any eurozone ATM you prefer.

See all features

Extra services

  • Payment order (as of the 31st payment order)
  • Cash withdrawal (as of the 3rd withdrawal)
  • Cash withdrawal (in another currency than EUR)
    1.2€ + 2,5% of the transaction amount
  • Card transaction (in another currency than EUR)
    1% of the transaction amount
  • Account top-up from card
    1.5% of the transaction amount
  • Providing a debit card (except the 1st card and renewal of an expired card)
  • Payment account interest rate
    0.0001% per year

Contactless MasterCard debit card

All Pocopay account users can order a Pocopay debit MasterCard packed with all the features you need and love. It really is The King of debit cards.

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